We back winners

The power of nature in industrial applications    

Insects as a natural solution for 350 million years  

Insects are true masters of adaptation and have proven themselves over millions of years as an essential element of natural cycles. They utilize organic materials highly efficiently and thus make an important contribution to nutrient recycling and the circular economy.

The black soldier fly - efficient upcycling specialist 

Our solution is based on the black soldier fly, an insect that quickly and efficiently converts organic side streams into high-quality proteins, fats and fertilizers. high-quality proteins, fats and fertilizers biologically utilize residual materials,it offers ideal conditions for sustainable, resource-conserving production. 

Industrial use of natural processes

We take what nature does to the next level: we use state-of-the-art technology to industrialize the upcycling process of the black soldier fly.This creates a fully sustainable production cycle that not only recycles organic waste, but also reduces CO₂ emissions and protects the environment. Our technology enables the efficient utilisation of natural processes for the production of nachhaltigen Futtermitteln and other valuable raw materials. 

Global biomass - the figures speak for themselves 

Insects make up 42% of the world's biomass,of the world's biomass - clear evidence of their importance in the ecosystem. Humans, on the other hand, only 
Humans, on the other hand, only account for 2.5%,, und doch ist es unser Konsumverhalten, das dringend nachhaltige Lösungen erfordert. Hier setzt die insektenbasierte Kreislaufwirtschaft It offers a smart alternative to conventional disposal and actively contributes to the conservation of resources.

Conclusion: A revolution in the extraction of raw materials