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Here are some frequently asked questions about REPLOID Group AG.

REPLOID converts organic residues into high-quality end products with the help of BSF larvae. The portfolio includes animal proteins, fats (similar to coconut oil, rich in lauric acid) and organic fertilizers.

Through a closed-loop system ("Waste2Value"), REPLOID uses local organic residues and thus minimizes waste, lowers the carbon footprint and reduces import dependencies, for example for fertilizers.

Das Unternehmen kombiniert selbstentwickelte, containerbasierte Anlagen (ReFarmUnits) mit einer dezentralen Produktionsstrategie und KI-gestützten Big-Data-Analysen – so entsteht eine skalierbare, effiziente und nachhaltige Produktion, die direkte regionale Wertschöpfung ermöglicht.

REPLOID Group AG transforms low-grade biomass into valuable products, promotes the circular economy and contributesOrganic residues are processed as input via a REPLOID system in decentralised ReFarmUnits. The BSF larvae upcycle this waste into high-quality proteins, fats and fertilisers, which enables stable, recurring revenues (approx. €4.5 million p.a. per plant) and a genuine circular economy. contributes to reducing waste.

REPLOID offers a standardised complete solution - from the procurement of local organic waste to the operation of modular, container-based plants and the marketing of the end products. This decentralised, scalable strategy generates long-term, recurring income.

In view of the global demand for protein (e.g. in pet food) and the increasing demand for regionally produced, sustainable fertilisers - combined with challenges such as food waste and import dependencies - REPLOID is positioning itself as a key player in the field of sustainable value creation.

Modern, cloud-based data platforms and AI-supported analyses optimise biological processes, enable predictive maintenance and increase resource efficiency - making big data and innovative plant planning integral components of the sustainable production system.

The modular structure of the ReFarmUnits, decentralised choice of location and network effects can reduce transport routes and costs. Partnerships and standardised processes enable rapid expansion both regionally and internationally.

Each ReFarmUnit is expected to generate approximately €4.5 million in recurring revenue per year for at least 15 years. The business model aims to achieve stable EBIT margins (approx. 15%) and positive free cash flows, supported by early economies of scale in plant construction.

REPLOID works with established partners such as Cargill, ADM and BigDutchman and benefits from regional cooperation, EU funding programmes and research grants - a network that strengthens market penetration and technological development.

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