be bold, be reploid - we are working for a more sustainable future!


We optimize the use of residual materials through innovative upcycling processes that are not only environmentally friendly but also economical.

Innovative solutions

By focusing on the breeding of the black soldier fly, we offer a forward-looking alternative to the conventional disposal and production of secondary raw materials.

Environmental protection

By substituting conventional raw materials, we make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving natural resources.


We focus on environmental friendliness and economic efficiency through the breeding of insects.

In contrast to conventional production operations, the recycling economy of insect farming not only creates products for customers, but also value for suppliers of organic residues. At the beginning of the production process, both the ecological footprint and the disposal costs of the supplying companies are significantly reduced. In turn, the raw materials produced can replace conventional raw materials and thus also reduce the negative impact of their respective processes.


"If food loss and waste were presented as a separate country, it would be the world's third largest emitter of greenhouse gases behind China and the United States."
(– United Nations Environmental Program)

17% of all food produced is simply wasted. That's 1.6 billion tons per year, which has a huge impact on socioeconomics and ecosystems.

EU citizens generate 2.5 billion tons of waste every year. Around 88 million of this can be caused to food loss and residues.

Even in a small country like Austria, more than two thousand tons of food are wasted every day.

Food is not only thrown away by individuals, but is also lost along the entire supply chain, from agriculture to food producers, restaurants and retailers.

Independent organizations such as the UN and Greenpeace have been warning about the problem of food waste in society for many years. It is often only considered in the context of ethical issues such as persistent poverty and global hunger. However, the far-reaching environmental and economic impact of food waste is often ignored. (See graphic below)



billion metric tons of total Food Loss & Waste p.a.


billion dollars in losses and damage per year.


percent of global greenhouse gas emissions



million metric tons of total Food Loss & Waste p.a.


billion € in losses and damage p.a.

million tons of CO2 emitted annually.

Reports such as the Federal Waste Management Plan also differentiate between avoidable and unavoidable residual materials. Unavoidable residues mainly consist of by-products from food production and processing that can no longer be consumed and therefore remain unused.

Innovative solutions and companies such as REPLOID therefore play an enormous role in using these resources more efficiently.



Breeding the black soldier fly – two birds with one stone…

In terms of biological and economic efficiency, nothing even comes close to the upcycling of organic residues through the breeding of black soldier flies (BSF) and the fattening of their larvae. By creating unprecedented value for both the suppliers of waste materials and the customers, BSF breeding creates a unique business model with outstanding benefits:


Highest efficiency in the recycling of residual materials

Greatest ecological impact and emission savings compared to alternative solutions for the recycling of organic residues (composting, biogas plants)

Added value for residual material suppliers by reducing the ecological footprint and residual disposal costs

Largest selection of usable input streams of all common beneficial insects


High-quality raw materials for a variety of economic sectors

Substitution of common raw materials with all their negative effects on ecosystems

Regardless of location, regional production of protein, fat and fertilizers through vertical farming

Utilization of the input-output correlation enables maximum application diversity for the raw materials produced



Highest efficiency in the recycling of residual materials

High-quality raw materials for a variety of economic sectors

Greatest ecological impact and emission savings compared to alternative solutions for the recycling of organic residues (composting, biogas plants)

Substitution of common raw materials with all their negative effects on ecosystems

Added value for residual material suppliers by reducing the ecological footprint and residual disposal costs

Regardless of location, regional production of protein, fat and fertilizers through vertical farming

Largest selection of usable input streams of all common beneficial insects

Utilization of the input-output correlation enables maximum application diversity for the raw materials produced


Sustainable reporting

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